POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Why does this look totally different today than it did in 1997? : Re: Why does this look totally different today than it did in 1997? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 01:23:34 EST (-0500)
  Re: Why does this look totally different today than it did in 1997?  
From: John M  Dlugosz
Date: 11 Mar 2001 14:33:44
Message: <3aabd318$1@news.povray.org>
> Probably
> the fact that the stone texture is layered and that has changed to have
> transmitted pigments instead of filtered ones.  That meaning the
> layers show through much more unchanged.  At least this is what I

Ah yes, I remember something about that, too.  I also thought it had been
fixed, or had the #version in each inc file to make it automatic.

BTW, I rendered it with official POV and found the same results re glass and

> It's the caustics in the glass texture.  Don't know why it would have been
> dark in regular POV though.  I thought it could only be the transmit of
> either the media container of the glass texture but the glass is filtered
> instead.  And I changed the media container to rgbf and it made no
> difference.  So, it is the caustics 1 making the bright shadow.

Yes, commenting out "caustics" makes the picture look like it did before, re
the lightness of the glass and its shadow.  I suppose that in the older
version of POV that was in use in 1997, this did not work, or has been


Moving the "caustics" line from the texture to an "interior" block in the
object, as the warning suggests, also makes the problem go away!  So this
seems to be a bug in the backward-compatibility feature.  Is someone keeping
a list?


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